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Tooth Coloured Filling

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Tooth Coloured Filling

Have you suffered the effects of tooth decay for such a long time that a cavity has now presented itself within a tooth? If so, it must be treated immediately. If a cavity is left untreated, serious infections such as pulp damage and tooth loss can occur. A highly effective tooth restoration treatment tool for eradicating cavities is a dental filling.

One of the most popular forms of dental fillings is tooth colored composite fillings. Tooth-colored composites are designed to mimic the natural look of your teeth and can easily and effectively be placed within your mouth to eradicate a cavity. They can even treat extremely small cavities that dental amalgams cannot. Furthermore, if you have suffered an accident and a composite has been damaged, they can be reapplied without removing the original filling.

Dental amalgams have been around for a very long time and have a proven track record of success, but they leave a distinctive metallic shine based on the combination of metals and mercury that is employed with each filling. Composite fillings, on the other hand, are mercury-free and can be made to naturally mimic the color of your teeth.

What is a Cavity?

A cavity is the destruction of your tooth structure. Cavities, also called tooth decay, occur when bacteria and food particles combine to form plaque (a yellowish sticky film that clings to your teeth). The acids from plaque begin to dissolve the enamel of your teeth, creating holes.

How can I prevent cavities?

Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing at least once, and using an oral rinse to ensure the removal of loose debris, is the primary way you can protect your teeth against cavities. Getting regular checkups at our Friendswood and Pearland dental practices also ensures that your teeth remain healthy. At the earliest sign of decay, we’ll treat it immediately, preventing further destruction of your tooth.

Will tooth-colored fillings save my teeth?

Yes. Getting tooth-colored fillings can save your teeth from further decay, and protect them against getting infected or weakening to the point that they crack or break. Tooth-colored fillings offer several advantages over traditional silver (amalgam) fillings. Because composite resins are not made of metal, we can blend and mix shades to find the perfect color to match the look your natural teeth. This means only you and your dentist will know you have fillings. Another benefit is that the tooth/composite bond actually supports the remaining tooth structure, deterring breakage and insulating against temperature changes.

Are tooth-colored fillings safe?

Yes! They are durable and long-lasting, too. Medium and small tooth-colored fillings can last seven to ten years and longer, and that’s as long as the tried and true amalgam fillings. Tooth-colored fillings do not contain mercury, either, which is yet another advantage to using composite resins. In addition, composite resin allow us to keep more of your natural tooth structure intact than amalgam. Our Pearland and Friendswood restorative dentists believe in performing conservative dentistry. The more natural tooth structure you preserve then the more likely you’ll enjoy better oral health—and keep your teeth strong and beautiful—in the future.

CALL OUR OFFICE today to schedule an appointment for friendly, unparalleled family and cosmetic dentistry

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